SM-FS742 ESD Cleanroom foam Swab is a good substitute for ITW Texwipe TX742B.
SM-FS742 ESD Sponge Cleaning Swab is an excellent general-purpose swab for cleaning small and confined areas. Its laundered CleanFoam head possesses good capacity and cushioning. A compact, rigid handle and round internal head core provide firm support.
■ Laundered polyurethane CleanFoam head over rigid core
■ 100 open-cell structure
■ Compact, light green polypropylene handle
■ Thermally bonded head
■ Soft and nonabrasive
■ Low nonvolatile residue
■ Low particle generation
■ Excellent sorbency
■ No contaminating adhesives
■ Good chemical resistance
■ Cleaning with solvents such as IPA
■ Applying lubricants and other liquids
■ Removing excess materials
500 swabs/bag; 5 inner bags of 100 swabs;
50 bags/case